The Victoria Farmers’ Market is a critical (and open-air) access point for fresh, healthy food in our community. We will continue to monitor local, state, and federal information sites and follow recommended guidelines to reduce the risk of exposure to Coronavirus for the safety of our customers, vendors, and staff.
We will continue to be open every Saturday with the following precautions in place:
• Vendors will wear a mask while serving customers. We recommend that all customers wear a mask per Governor Abbott's executive order, with the following exceptions:
- Children under 10 years old
- People who have a medical condition or disability that prevents wearing a mask;
• Everyone is encouraged to use the hand washing station in the center of the market;
• Farmers, food vendors and other market partners are required to adhere to best practices as outlined by the CDC to reduce exposure and spread of Coronavirus;
• We ask that customers point to the items they want and let only our vendors handle the food;
• We have provided food handling gloves for vendors who wish to use them;
• We recommend that vendors assign one person to handle ONLY payments, and reminding those who do not have an extra person to sanitize their hands in between handling food and cash;
• We have provided disinfecting wipes to vendors and have asked them to disinfect market surfaces/objects throughout the day;
• The Imagination Playground kids’ area is removed until further notice.

Robin Cadle - President
361-578-0591 or 361-655-1607
Juan Perez - Vice President
Meridith Byrd - Secretary/Treasurer
361-578-0591 or 361-218-9246
Sandra Osman - At-Large Member
Cuero Main Street Program
Meridith Byrd - Market Manager
361-578-0591 or 361-218-9246
Victoria City-County Health Dept.